One of the perks of food blogging is meeting new people, some of whom end up assuming different roles in my life. They come in all shapes and sizes, as is evident in my latest friend, Frat. Frat Mustard.
Frat just dropped in for a quick chat.
“Hello everyone!”
“Hiya Frat. You’re a shy ‘un, aren’t ya? I thought only food bloggers hated being in the limelight. Why don’t you get out and let us see your face.”
“Oh, alright. I’ll just climb out of this glass now.”
“Nice biceps.”
“Let’s cut to the chase, lady.”
“We’re obviously cutting other parts too, eh, Frat? Sure you got your body parts intact?”
“I came close to losing li’l Frat once. Boo_licious tried eating me, but I made a quick escape when the jug of beer got her attention instead.”
“Problem is, it got mine too, so I plunged right in.”
“And then, Fatboybakes lured me with fries. Let me rephrase that. Fatboybakes lured me with A fry.”
“That wasn’t my stomach.” *eyes shifting*
“You can’t possibly be hungry. You just ate a plate of pasta 5 times your weight.”
“That’s why I’m Fat.”
“You mean Frat.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Lisa dahlink, light me a ciggie, babydoll?”
“You know smoking’s bad for ya.”
“I do…I think about it all the time and just want to drown myself in some Bloody Mary.”
“It’s a virgin. A Virgin Mary.”
“Not once Frat gets into Mary.”
“Right. Moving on…so what does Frat do when he’s not devirginising mocktails?”
“Yoga. It’s great for unkinking the muscles and spine. Especially if you’re really kinky.”
“Ummm okay.”
“Did you just fart? Something in the air smells spicy.”
“Oh, that’d be my girlfriends, HP, Heinz and Tabasco. Hello Spicy, Mustard’s here!”
*stuffing nostrils with tissue*
“What else do you do…other than yoga, I mean?”
“I bungee jump.”
“Into food.”
“Yeah, better to dive into a shitload of food than a load of shit.”
“Ever got stuck in a tight spot before?”
“Are we talking about Virgin Mary again?”
“Ummmm…I think that’s all the time we have for you right now.”
“Don’t be a stranger! When you’re in a pickle, think of Frat!”
For more about Frat Mustard, check out his website HERE. Frat Mustard is also the face for TheQguides, an online restaurant booking site. I’ve signed up. Have you?
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is really funny la. And Frat thot you were too hung over to wake up this morning. Wonder who got ‘hung’ over now……:p
wow..hes awesome isnt he?
Lolz – I loved the Virgin Mary part
and now i’m tempted to get my mini figurine tooo :p
Hahahha… my 2nd time smiling today after my first one seeing my daughter smiling at me
your newly acquired pet boy??? Lol…
LOL. this really blew my PMS blues away. you’re really a great writer. AND photographer.
Hahaha .. funny post. I did not expect a figurine to appear until I scroll further! Made my day. Thanks
I’ll be sure to offer Fart *oops* I meant Frat more than a single french fry when I meet him
thamby, you misquoted the conversation on the virgin. howww many times oridi i toll you that drinking a virgin drink is not going to make you one!
Frat is such a cutie and popular amongst the ladies, he’s sooo darn lucky!!!
Lisa: Drunk on what? Virgin Mary ar? hahaha. We had fun last night. Thanks for organising it!
lotsofcravings: He’s certainly a cute little bugger.
Sugar&Spice: Not cheap, though. Costs almost 200 bucks! Eek, I dumped a 180 buck object into beer and spaghetti sauce? I hope the owner isn’t reading this.
thule aka leo: Awwww…you put me in the same innocent category as your li’l daughter. Awwwwwwwww.
spunkz: Some of the photos are shaky due to the influence of alcohol. hehe. Kewl…I’m a PMS blues shaker! (quickly scribbling on my resume)
Lianne: Well, it’s hard to feature people coz they’re all so camera shy anyway. hehe.
unkaleong: Please do. He loves to eat.
fatboybakes: Who was trying to become a virgin?
babe_kl: Yeah, Frat was fondled by many sweet young things. Such a lucky bugger.
LOL.. did the real frat suspect u nose-dived him into a load of stuff when he left the table! nortie LL and boo;P hehe
v farnee post .. love the animated frat.. you daredevil u!
*sniff* *sniff* so touched… and by that I mean… I was touched “everywhere” last night… muahahahhaah… I like…
I feel six feet tall today… wheeeeeeeeee
An accurate summary of yesterday evening… except the ciggie came after… *errhemmm* wink…
Thanks everyone for making me so loved.
my my..Loved the post LL! So fun to read!
cumidanciki: no, he never suspected a thing. But I hear that women have done worse with him…like stuff him down their bras…
Frat Mustard: The man himself!! Of course Frat’s loved. We’d all like one in our likeness too, please. TQ.
thenomadGourmand: Hahaha…it’s called Intermission.
i see this coming!! but it so much better when you put it that way!
i want a friend like frat too! You think my dunnys would love to hang out with him?
Oh dear, that toy has certainly gone places
Frat is getting too popular de… must get him a gf or something…
rokh: ya lor…frat just attracts so much attention!
Munkeyboy: Frat’s a Playa. You sure you wanna let your Dunnys near him?
Manggy: Oh, it certainly has – down women’s blouses and all…eughhh.
superwilson: Frat settle down?? No way! hehe.
lol hilarious
btw just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the kreativblogger award as I love reading your blog!
u tried to cut him up?
you murderer…..