Aw Yeah, Don’t Hate Me Cuz I’m Beautiful
And Where Is The Body?
Move Over Mutha Cuz I’m Going Faster Than You Can Drive
The Body’s Beautiful, Baby
That’s Right, I Just Can’t Help It
It’s Not My Fault, I Was Born This Way
Get With The B-E-A-U-T-Y
Beauty, The Body Is Beautiful
Get With The B-E-A-U-T-Y
Beauty, The Body Is Beautiful
I’m Up And Coming, I Am A Child
I’m Legendary, Hey, I’m Free And Wild
I Am The Ocean, And I Rule The World
I’m Sensual, I Am Body Beautiful
My Cha-Cha Pumps (Hump-A-Dooty), I’ve Got Them On (In A Winnin’ Ticket)
And I Work The Runway (Left-Right-Left-Right-Left), Baby, All Night Long
I Am The One (The Only One), There Is No Other
I Am Mother, I Am Body Beautiful
Lights, Camera, Action!
Satisfaction Guaranteed, That’s What I Need
I Celebrate The Body And Enjoy Good Health
And I Gets Down With My Bad Self
It’s All Good From The Front To The Back
Two Snaps And A Clap For A Body Like That
It’s A Good Damn Thing I Don’t Care What You Say
Somebody Beautiful (I Am Body Beautiful), Hey, That’s Me
I Am Grand (Grand Diva), I Am The Queen (Queen Bee)
A Masquerade (Who Am I?), I’m Fantasy (You’re A Fantasy)
I Am The House (The Whole Mansion) Of Elegance
Featuring, I Am Body Beautiful (Body Beautiful)
Don’t Hate Me Cuz I’m Beautiful
Everybody’s Beautiful In Their Own Special Way (Yes)
Carry Yourself Like A Queen And You Will Attract A King
Beauty Comes From Within (Yes)
Whatever The Mind Can Conceive And Believe
You Will Achieve (Got To Believe)
Do You Believe (Yes) That You Are Body Beautiful?
Yes! Yes! Oooo, Yes!
There Ain’t Enough Words To Express How I Feel
I’m Body Beautiful, True, That’s For Real
Am Who I Am And That’s All I Can Be
Open Up Your Mind So Your Eyes Can See
Body Beautiful, Baby (Work That Body)
Body Beautiful, Baby (Work It, Work It)
Body Beautiful, Baby (Work That Body)
Body Beautiful That’s Me (Word)
Then I’m-A Tell Ya Like This, And I’m-A Tell Ya This Way
My Body’s Beautiful, That’s All I’m Sayin’
Bodies Come In All Different Shapes And Sizes
You’re Beautiful, Too, Just Realize This
Can’t You See The Beauty In Me?
Open Up Your Heart And Set Your Mind Free
Everybody’s Beautiful In Their Own Way
Express Yourself Every Day
And When You Got Joy On The Inside It Shows On The Out
Be Confident And You’re Beautiful Without A Doubt
You’re Absolutely Gorgeous, Don’t Ya Know?
So You Got The Body Beautiful Glow
Body Beautiful, Baby (Work That Body)
Body Beautiful, Baby (Work It, Work It)
Body Beautiful, Baby (Work That Body)
Body Beautiful (I Am Body Beautiful) That’s Me
Lyrics taken from Salt N Pepa “I am the Body Beautiful”
This Christmas, forget about serving turkey. Be different. Serve capon. Capon? Castrated chicken. Why? Coz it’s big enough to serve the football team that is your family (including your mother-in-law, grandparents and Aunt Agnes whom you haven’t seen in 15 years), and the flesh is firm, tasty and juicy with the right amount of fat. Capons are at least 4 kg in weight, which make them ideal as a turkey substitute. The fat content is a result of removing the testes from the cockerel which hinders the production of male hormones, which I suppose, indirectly means that the cockerels adopt female errrrr tendencies. No breasts, though. Which incidentally reminds me of this email that’s been circulating (article written by a Jonathan Hayter):
Staring at women’s breast is good for men’s health and makes them live longer, a survey reveals.
Researchers have discovered that a 10-minute ogle at women’s breast is as healthy as half-an-hour in the gym. A five year study of 200 men found that those who enjoyed a longing look at busty beauties had lower blood pressure and less heart disease and slower pulse rates compared to those who did not get their daily eyeful.
Dr. Karen Weatherby, who carried out the German study, wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine:”Just 10-minutes of staring at the charms of a well endowed female is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics workout. Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves circulation. There is no question that gazing at breast makes men healthier.”
“Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of a stroke and a heart attack in half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years.”
The catch: The oglee had to be well-endowed. What the article didn’t say was if the breasts had to be bared, or how many men got a good face-slapping.
Thanks to Cumi and Babe_KL who collaborated with Gerald from Sunshine Chicken, a few of us drove up to Kuala Lipis in the rain to visit a chicken farm and witnessed the castration of the former Mr Cock. The procedure seemed painless; I suppose the chickens didn’t know what hit them when the metal thingy was inserted into the flesh. Perhaps they felt a tickle when their testes were pulled out. Don’t try this at home.
The birds are usually 2 months old at the point of castration, and they are bred for a further 4 months, at which point, several changes would have taken place. Their fat content would have increased and their combs and wattle would have stopped growing.
The chickens at Sunshine chicken farm are happy chickens (no pun intended). Unlike certain chicken farms where the chickens are cramped into tiny little hostels, these buggers roam free and are fed a premium diet which includes “Ma Cho”, a type of Napier grass that looks like pandan. Also, no antibiotics or growth hormones are used. This probably explains the higher price tag, but what price health, eh?
Both capons and free-range (kampung) chickens are available, and if you’re looking for a change this Christmas, they are currently being sold at O Gourmet in Bangsar Shopping Centre. For more information on where the chickens are available, check out the website. You can also call Sunshine Chicken at 03-9102 3950 for more information. I’ve already placed an order for 2 capons and 3 free-range chickens. My mother-in-law is apparently going to cheer up the entire Liverpool Fan Club in Malaysia this Christmas. Don’t call me for your free invitation.
No wonder I’m fat. I must start staring at women’s breast more often now. *Pukes*
why u never leave comment on my blog one?
Btw. am in no.1?
Definitely a better option compared to turkey where skills are needed to marinate and then roast the turkey to perfection…
Wah! Cepat nya you put order for the chickens
hahahaha! you rock the house with your rocking Salt N Pepa “I am the Body Beautiful” lyrics.. the photos are so apt ! clap clap clap!
munkey YES la.. u r no.1 chis… stop stealing my lines.. and Oh, btw, you CANNOT spam like me .. mwuahahaha
must be a generation gap. i dunno the song. next time put audio clip.
now you tell me not to try it at home. ouch.
bah, another comment got lost. proud to say, i ordered the capons as turkey substitutes weeks ago…. such foresight.
Must tell my mum about this place. She only allows us to eat free range/organic chicken at home. Then again, I wonder if she knows of this place already… T__T
Does the staring of boobies for weight loss work for women too, I wonder?
(Wah, think of all the time at the gym I could save on by just looking at myself in the mirror! Hahhahahaha. So wrong!)
hahaha how apt, i was singing as i scroll down :p
huh ahpa dunno wat song this is? how can?
since i’m a noob in steaming chicken, i would rather head on to Chef Tam for one
Eh, no pictures on the process, yay! *shudder*
Wooo…. beautiful cocks…. or rather, former-cocks!
I like! (Bummer that I missed this trip)
Wao…so many chics la…hehe!
Munkeyboy: You seem to have lost weight – I presume you’ve been staring at many many breasts? And commented already liao.
thule: Yes, and tastier than turkey too. Yar, MIL wanted to place her order quickly. She takes her food very seriously, you know.
Ciki: You’re the top spammer around. I love the first picture too. That’s what gave me the inspiration to do the Body Beautiful song. hehe.
Fatboybakes: The audio clip is there what. Shows you didn’t read the whole post. Pttoooooii. As for generation gap, yar, sorry I don’t have any 60’s music for you. That’s when you were in your teens, rite?
Bangsar-bAbE: Now can get at O Gourmet, just a short walk down the road for your mum.
J: If you let us know which gym you’ll be working out at, I’m sure loads of men will want to go watch you drool at yourself.
babe_kl: Ah pa grew up in a concentration camp where there was no music. Btw, you a noob? Kenot be…you queen of cooking here in blogland what. Hehe.
jason: I also tangkap video, but they’re similar to the other blogs, and since they are so rajin in putting up their posts so quickly, you’d be bored watching mine.
Pureglutton: Yeah, their feathers are so glossy! Very pretty indeed! Next time, you betta come ar.
uLi: Chicks meh? No lah. A cock by any other name will always be a cock.
Just look at the number of cocks parading about..
Now how many times does one get to say that?
You reckon the boys felt something as they were observing the procedure? Didja notice anyone putting their hands down there, ala penalty kick?
So munky boy has lost weight since you became his BFF? Don’t blame him – I think I lost weight after our first dinner at Formosa where you sat in front of me..
Wow. look at the STRUT of the 1st one.
*echoes FBB* generation gap.
All that was going through my head was “Strut” by Sheena Easton and images of Tony Manero from Saturday Night Fever..
OK I’mma stare now!
I love chicken!!! Either being a life or being cooked, hehehe…
The first picture…. the chicken looks so gorgeous…. ah, actually so sad when they ended up on the plate but….. can’t help that they are also so yummy….
Apparently those hairless-necked chicken are quite tasty as well. Mostly used during festive occasions when steamed chickens are required to appease the ancestors..
I was just looking at your right sidebar where the recent posts are. So stylo-mylo. The pikchers would be perfect for moo cards, yes?
Salt N Pepa! Wow! It’s been a long time. Seriously, the photos are so gooood!!!!!!!! I need a training from you Mem
Nice… Devil and I keep going to this dai chow place in Section 17, PJ cos they serve free-range chicken too… tastes soooo much better.
On a separate note, can you be my visual aid for the aforementioned weight-loss strategy as propounded also by Mr. Monkey?
off to look at some boobies..
qwazymonkey, lifeforbeginners, lotsofcravings –> Forever Summer With Nigella Lawson is currently on AFC.
Goodness gracious, what a horrible thing to do. castrating chickens to mutate them into something supposedly better. Am not against food adventures, but this is just plain atrocious, going against nature and cruel, as in my 16 year old vocab, retarded. do such tortured animals really give positive vibrations when you eat them