The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2009

Finalists: eatshowandtell, awhiffoflemongrass, ladyironchef, kitchencow and ieatishootipost

For those who have been following my blog and tweets, you will know that I was away at Singapore from 23 to 26 October for the first ever Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards.  I was a little overwhelmed at being in the midst of so many great bloggers from Singapore, Australia, The Philippines and Malaysia, but for a whole 10 minutes before the announcement of the winner was made, I can honestly say that I really wanted to win.  Not for the spike in traffic, because a quick glance will show you that I don’t make a cent from this blog.  Not for the glamour of being tagged a winner, because hey, there’s only so much of glamour one can revel in when one is an old fart.   I guess, deep down, I just wanted to kiss the host, Allan Wu, and the only way I was going to do that was to win the damn award.   Sadly, it was Xiaxue who got to touch him 3 times, and Kenny Sia, a close second with one legitimate opportunity to be up on stage, and the other, a Kanye West moment.

But, it was not meant to be (kissing Allan Wu and winning the award).  I’m not terribly upset, though.   The better man won.   I can live with that.

The good doctor refused to eat his spinach, so the food bloggers decided to teach him a lesson

Congratulations, Dr Leslie Tay of ieatishootipost, on winning Best Food Blog.   Allan Wu didn’t kiss you, which is a pity, but you’re a winner in my books in every other aspect.   To the other finalists – eatshowandtell, Kitchen Cow (my roomie!) and Ladyironchef (my date!), it was lovely meeting you and an honour to be in the same category as you.

Finalists at the Awards

The list of winners is as follows (I took the liberty to cut and paste this from the good doctor’s blog…gracias):

  • Best Blogshop:
  • Best Food Blog:
  • Best Fashion Blog:
  • Best Parenting Blog:
  • Best Travel Blog:
  • Best Celebrity Blog:
  • Best Entertainment Blog:
  • Best Geek Blog:
  • Best Hidden Gem:
  • Best Original Blog Design:
  • Most Influential Blog:
  • Region’s Best Blog:
  • On a more serious note, I’d like to thank Nuffnang for making this happen for me, and all my friends and readers who voted for me and believed in me even when I felt like giving up before the competition commenced.   It was hard to feel enthusiastic when I knew that there were many more deserving blogs out there that didn’t make the list.  In Singapore, I did my best to proclaim the fact to anyone who would listen to me.   When asked which was the best food blog in Malaysia, I rattled off my list, without hesitation – Masak-Masak, KYSpeaks, Kampungboycitygal, BabeinthecityKL….all amazing food blogs written by people whom I respect and look up to.  My secret of sustenance – good friends, with or without Allan Wu.

    53 thoughts on “The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2009

      • Camemberu: I’m so glad we finally met. If I could expand my post to include SG bloggers, you’re up there on my list. Thanks for making me feel so welcome in SG, and allowing me to be a part of your experience of being chased out of the restaurant. Only in SG!! hehehe.

    1. Sweetheart, am sorry you didn’t win but you’ve always been a winner in our books. You know that. We missed you at the pool party and you were one of the hot topics of conversation. With that much flesh around, let me tell you, that was an achievement! 😉 hehehehe

      • Nigel: I suppose you can imagine how disappointed I was. Thanks for starting the voting campaign for AWOL and for helping me believe in myself. So sad that I missed all that flesh, tho! Somemore, u go and tag me on FB wan. Grrrrr.

    2. hehehe, love your reason for wanting to win 😀 but i love the spirit, grace and honesty in your writing even more. if life were a competition (luckily it’s not!), then u’d probably already be a winner (i hope it’s not too presumptuous of me to say this, since i scarcely know you). but i do know your blog is an inspiration, and it’s evident that you’ve earned the respect of so many, for so many different and wonderful reasons.

      • Sean: wow. I have tears in my eyes. I’m touched. I’ve always used the blog as a platform to connect with people, both with and without cannibalistic intentions. Glad we’ve reached out to each other, even if it’s been over one meal only. Please don’t eat me before I’ve achieved 1,000 friends on facebook.

    3. LOL. Um, that’s an interesting reason for wanting to win.
      (I understand completely tho. Haha…)

      🙁 that you didn’t win…. but 🙂 you’re still tops to us. 🙂 🙂 🙂
      (And being in the top 5 is no small feat btw!)

      • Babe_kl: I suppose it’s important to support whoever makes the list. After all, we’re all friends, right? You can’t imagine how touched I was when bigshot bloggers like you showed your support for my blog. I’m humbled.

    4. even though you didn’t win… take it as a motivation to work harder (^_^)… as in go to more new places and write more interesting blogs. Just wanna let u know that you have one of the loyal readers (if not the most loyal which I guess belongs to Tim) that supports you no matter what!

    5. Your wit and fabulous photos are what drew me to your blog in the first place. Never mind that we connected offline, even if we didn’t, you’d still be my favourite flogger. And you’ve got class, dah-link! Even if you do have red hair, fake lashes and purple face. Don’t you forget that! 😀

    6. talking about allan wu. saw him running at my uni yesterday. hmmm, more reasons for you to visit us in Singapore? 😉

      not for the spike nor the money nor the glam. hey, now those are words of a champion!

    7. Great photography! And congratulations on being a finalist. I’m a new reader to your blog and I really enjoy going through your treasured archives. Just wondering if you have any great vegetarian restaurants to recommend…my fiance and I are vegetarians and we find the options for eating out is so limited. I love to cook, so I guess it’s not really a problem, but sometimes it’s nice to be able to dine out and not having to worry that the food might suck. Keep clicking because those photos you took are to die for. 🙂

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