The Nirvana Bus Tour – The Tanjung Tualang Chapter

road trip

One baby to another said,
I’m lucky to have met you
I don’t care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube
And end up in your infection

Lyrics from Drain You, Album: Nevermind, Artist: Nirvana

map of malaysia

This is my beautiful Malaysia.  I’ve lived here all my life, but I still don’t know how to freaking draw it.   The Nirvana Bus Tour started from the city of purity also known as Shah Alam and headed north towards Tanjung Tualang, a tiny little town in Perak known only for its freshwater prawns.

Kelly's Castle
What’s with the white paint??

Along the way, our driver (aka Bald Eagle) insisted on making a stop at Kellie’s Castle, a structure built by a Scottish planter in the early 1900s.   This was the only non-food pit stop in the entire journey.   Other than pee breaks, of course.  I thus felt a need to record it.

We saw Kurt Cobain

With eyes so dilated,
I’ve became your pupil
You’ve taught me everything
Without a poison apple
The water is so yellow, I’m a healthy student
Indebted and so grateful –
Vacuum out the fluids

– Lyrics from Drain You, Album: Nevermind, Artist: Nirvana –

tanjung tualang

We observed the owner fish out 30 freshwater prawns from the tanks situated outside the restaurant.   They were a sight to behold; my momentary pity upon seeing them leaping helplessly in the tiny green pail was soon replaced by intense hunger at the anticipation of feeding on them.   From the moment I put the first prawn (cooked “kon cheen” style, i.e. dry fried with soy sauce) into my mouth, I knew that we had made the right decision to detour to Tanjung Tualang for dinner.   The prawns (with oozing creamy roe), were sticky and tasty, the flavour coming entirely from the sweetness of the flesh with the aid of just soy sauce.  This dish was quickly followed by prawns cooked in oats, a style of cooking that I can only call genius.   The oats were flaky and crunchy, and it almost felt like I was eating festive cookies.  The third style of preparation was the ubiquitous butter prawns.  The prawns came shrouded in very fine fried egg floss.   Very, very tasty.   At this point, we thought we’d balance our meal with a serving of crabs which were steamed in egg white.  Delicious.

Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth in a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours because I like you.

– Lyrics from Drain You, Album: Nevermind, Artist: Nirvana –

I love small town fashion

Sloppy lips to lips
You’re my vitamins because I’m like you

– Lyrics from Drain You, Album: Nevermind, Artist: Nirvana –


We’ll be back, Tanjung Tualang.

The prawns cost RM65 per kg.  Pretty good value considering the freshness of the prawns.


Lung Seng Restaurant
10, Jalan Besar
Tanjung Tualang

Tel: 05-360 0735

Opening hours: 11.30am to 9.00pm. Reservations recommended!

Also check out: Masak-Masak, Precious Pea.

The Nirvana Bus Tour continues……to Penang.  Watch this space.

22 thoughts on “The Nirvana Bus Tour – The Tanjung Tualang Chapter

  1. Oooooh, the prawns…oooooh!

    When is the next road trip? Don’t think I’ll be going to Austria for at least another year, so should be able to make it 😛

  2. My friend who lives in Kampar also reckon that Lung Seng is the best place to eat freshwater prawn (I prefer to call it big head prawn… as this is what the locals call it). That is why he took me here when I went to visit him last year’s Hari Raya… I fell in love instantly especially their kon cheen style… the soy sauce was just sooooo sweeeeetttttttt!!! I can’t help it but to eat the biggest share that day…hahahaha!!!
    Then he took me to a small shack where he ta pao-ed another 2kg of the prawns for me to take home… yummy!!! The roe is just heavenly.. it’s the cholesterol level that we need to be careful ok??? but then it’s not like we go there often so what the heck?? Lol…

  3. keatsthesunshinegirl: It’s a cover up!

    J2Kfm: Thanks for the link! Yeah, I reckon he’s gonna spit on me if we ever bump into each other in the afterlife. hahaha.

    A Lil Fat Monkey: They wouldn’t be hired in the first place!

    Precious Sista: Hehe…thank to you, we all got to enjoy those beautiful prawns!

    yin: Ask the organiser. 😛

    Julian: Hello from wet KL! We miss you!!

    550ml jar of faith: Ya lor…I think they didn’t get the memo about the definition of “restoration”.

    Kiran: It was too! 🙂

    Leo: Yeah, Lung Seng rocks, but I also saw a number of bigger restaurants also packing them in. The prawns are really good hor. Ya, the roe is soooo gooooood.

    thenomadgourmand: Awww…pity you and your bad luck la. Yeah, hopefully next time your boss won’t be breathing down your neck!

    Pureglutton: That’s a sign of a true foodie…one who sees food in everything…even a badly drawn Malaysia map!

    cumidanciki: Yeah, I was going to give the ensemble to you for your birthday. Drats. Looks like I’ll have to find something else for you instead.

    Manggy: I sense a double entendre in your comment. 😛 😛 Rocket ship to Nirvana indeed! LOL.

    lotsofcravings: That would be great, eh?

    ToyGirl: Ah, you saw the tiny details! Sure you saw all? 😉

    MamaFaMi: Hehe. They’re delicious!

  4. Your msia looks like a bowling pin ler. And the dog is sooooooo kewt. Thank goodness Lumpy doesn’t say dat.

    What do you mean small town fashion.. I saw something liddat in midvalley leh.

    Ahhh.. kellie’s castle. Had some ‘interesting’ moments there before. During the phak tor days, in the quiet and deserted afternoons. This was all during the time of water-bottle cell phones with no camera function… 😀

  5. *nothing down here* Guffaws…Hairy’s there no?

    Well at least she’s colour co-ordinated 😉

    Still kicking myself in the butt for stepping off the bus. Looking forward to more posts!

  6. a friend once told me that if we cut out southern Thailand, the peninsula resembles a human body part. ^_^

    they had me at the kon cheen prawns too. it just so good, i also got enlighted.

  7. 1 kg of prawns RM 65 … how many kilos you ordered for your 4 person trip eh ? cook how many types ? hows the crab ? sorry for the barrage of questions 🙂

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