Chinoz on the Park, KLCC



If it weren’t for Fatboybakes (FBB), I’d probably have no stories to tell you.  But we’re all fortunate to have our muses, although I’d gladly sell mine.  This limerick is my birthday gift to FBB!

There was a bakerman in Bangsar
Who professed to love eggs, toast and butter
But try as he might
He couldn’t fight
An urge to eat strangled goose liver.

“Macallan’s my spirit of choice!
And occasionally a double malt bliss
But feed me a Tiger
And you’ll definitely hear
My tuneless rendition of Les Mis!”

He parties all day and night
Surrounded by fans aplenty
But one stands out
His hairy chin stout
And winks to FBB, “Who’s your daddy?”

He’s a simple man, this baker from Bangsar
Who eats foie gras with his kopi
Tuna sashimi, yes please
Lobsters? With cheese!
And truffles and cakes with lotsa brandy!

“Yes, I’m a simple man, trust me, I am
My properties are just four and counting
I crave not a fortune
I’m almost a mormon
But touch my Blue Label and you’ll face a lynching” 

So happy birthday, we bid thee, FBB
You’re a lucky one, we insist, FBB
Expensive presents abound
But how many will sound
As precious as this limerick, O FBB?



A couple of weeks ago, Bald Eagle and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary, and while to many of the young ones out there, we appear ancient, it’s amazing what a RM700 monthly visit to the hair salon can do for the greys.

He made reservations at Chinoz on the Park at KLCC, refurbished, shiny and new with an eye-candy of a chef with credentials to match.  I like the fact that Chef Haffizul Hashim came out often to speak with us.  Perhaps it was the benefit of having ordered a degustation menu?  I prefer to think it was my captivating smile or bald eagle’s shiny head, but I doubt if either made an impact on him.

The degustation menu consisted of 6 items (including dessert) which gave a good idea of what the restaurant served.  Our first course was such a delight to eat – a Cauliflower Veloute with Hokkaido Scallop and Truffles.  The veloute came in the form of a foam pumped out directly on our plates.  What I liked about the degustation menu was the way the chef had paired all the different ingredients to create a synergistic explosion of flavours.  It was not just the taste but the textures as well; the firmness of the scallop to the fizziness of the foam to the bits of crunch from the grainy sea salt…it was an appropriate opening allegro to this symphony.

As a symphony continues seamlessly, so did our subsequent dishes.  The Parsley Risotto, tinged in brilliant green, was served with sauteed escargots.  The risotto was creamy but hinted very little of parsley.  We marvelled at the next dish, the Grilled Brittany Turbot with Citrus Fruits and Etuve of Asparagus.  It was an explosion of colours, cheery and bright – food should be like this, a treat to all the senses.  Prized for its firm, white flesh, the turbot was complemented with a tangy sweet sauce made from blood oranges and other citrusy fruits.  We loved this dish, but at RM128 for 180g on the ala carte menu, we shall probably reserve this order for special occasions.

The Roasted Duck Breast and Pan Fried Foie Gras, Glazed Figs & Beetroot Puree was a more subdued visual affair, but didn’t lack in the taste department.  The duck breast, still pink and firm, was a good match with the melt-in-your-mouth foie gras.  The last time I had fresh figs was in the UK where I holidayed last year, and so eating this brought me back to that evening in Bath where I laughed over scones and fresh fruit with my dear friend, Msiagirl.  Like all the other dishes, this one didn’t disappoint due to the excellent matching of flavours by the chef.

Desserts were in two parts – a Mango Ravioli with Lime Sorbet, light, citrusy and sweet – very refreshing, while the finale was a Chocolate Parfait with Tuile and Peanut Butter Ice Cream.

My experience was only marred by the restaurant settings, where we were led to a beautifully arranged table with the right forks and knives and wine glasses, but lacked the formal atmosphere one would expect when one pays RM180++ per person for a meal.  Beside us, a family was dining (complete with pram and baby), and although I have no objections under normal circumstances, the view didn’t do much for romance!  Perhaps the restaurant was attempting to achieve too much in wanting to have its cake and eat it too.  It’s hard to have both a cafe and a fine dining restaurant under the same roof without having a clear demarcation of space (and that includes soundproofing as well!).

It’s funny how after being together for so long, I thought I’d figured Bald Eagle out and that I knew him well, but well, I didn’t.  But that makes it more fun, doesn’t it?  “We are going to KLCC,” he had said.  What??  Our 8th anniversary and he’s bringing me to a place I see everyday?  For a brief second (and it was a tiny micro-bit of a second), I wished I had joined FBB’s soiree at Nikko Hotel instead.  At least I could get all dolled up (with my most excellent Shu Uemura fake eyelashes) for the event there.
But I was wrong.
Because the food was amazing that night…. 

Chinoz on the Park
G47, Ground Floor, Suria KLCC, KL.

Tel: 03-2166 8277

Also check out:
Jules Eating Guide to Malaysia
The Star
for writeups on the Tastings menu.

Warm bread







Petit Fours


38 thoughts on “Chinoz on the Park, KLCC

  1. 1. Now that’s what I call a burfday poem! Lucky ol’ FBB! 🙂

    2. I like how you left most of the photos till after your review so we can focus on your writing. As much as I love your gorgeous photos (we all do), it’s nice to just read the words and have its beauty flow over our salivating senses. Yes.

    I would write more, but lapar di. Your fault lah. Write liddat. Go eat now. Back later. Tartar! 😉

  2. Wow! Food as art. And preluded by literary genius as well!

    Stunning presentation of all dishes. I’m not big on desserts, but Mango Ravioli with Lime Sorbet… double wow.

  3. hah, look who’s leading and eating the high life….. duck indeed…omitted the liver part…..yer single word descriptions dont fool me old chappie…..
    like j2kfm, i also skipped to the pics straightaway….
    cute limerick, thanks…. i think.

  4. lyrical lemongrass.. theme song of your life (or that imaginary background music as you walk around strutting your stuff) should be “say my name, say my name… ” ! very cool girl 😉

    chinoz on the park.. the last time i went, they launched a carlsberg beer line for fine dining. it was weird, but the food was not bad! time to revisit i suppose 🙂

  5. hahah..its good to know that eventhough u werent at nikko hotel fighting with us over the limited were only a stone throwaway..

    come to think abt it..we shud hav all jumped over and surprised you with a cake! hows that for fine dining ambience then…

  6. LFB: 1. Not sure if tangechi thinks she’s lucky, though. hehe.
    2. Thanks. You’re of the rare breed that prefers to read. 🙂

    J2Kfm: Thanks, although I think the pics are a bit grainy due to the low light situation (why do all these nice restaurants have to be so badly lit??). Hehe…I guess you’re part of the majority that prefers to look at pics first.

    Manggy: …as opposed to seeing fancy, lengthy, frenchy names, eh? I agree! And thanks for the wishes!

    Steve: Food as art – I totally agree – the chef’s pretty brilliant. As for the literary genius….errrr…..
    Yeah, the mango ravioli with lime sorbet was very good. Sometimes, it’s nice to have a dessert that doesn’t overflow with chocolate and cream.

    fatboybakes: The liver part was part of the narration, but since you skipped it….. LOL…..Wei, I took great pains to come up with that limerick okay. Greeeeaaaaat pains.

    cumi&ciki: Hahaha….I would, if I knew what that song was all about! Carlsberg for fine dining? hehe. Reminds me of an episode in Mad Men (set in the 1960s) where they had launched a Heineken line that was targeted at affluent housewives in America who could boast that they had bought beer from Holland….as in menu for the day….Sushi from Japan, Beer from Holland, etc etc.

    lotsofcravings: Yeah man….I’d hate to deprive you guys of that limited champagne! You surprise me with a cake…..hmmmm….atcherly, I dun mind…..can you do that for me next year, please?

  7. i think u missed my meaning…
    as in, you are DOPE when it comes to writing limericks/poem etc… the highest bar… so, therefore ..

    “say my name, say my name… ” (you la woman should say that.. with loads of attitude! not the actual meaning of that beyonce song…ahem… )

  8. Cumi&Ciki: Coming from you, wow, that’s very flattering (seeing how you’re really good at rhymes about girths and stuff hehe). Say my name, say my name Beyonce so mild lar…..maybe should just say “What’s My Name, Fool?!?!?!” 😛

  9. Amboi amboi….

    looks so good. like kenny, i read the words before the photos. LOL

    figs. we used to have a plant that always produced fruits, but as kids never ever bothered to try it. Now then we want to eat them, the tree is not producing fruits. sigh….

  10. I see this post as a juxtaposition of all things beautiful, like a blessed 8 years of togetherness.

    “Pictureless, engaging writing” versus “wordless, tantalising pictures”.



  11. Yin: Thanks….so sweet of u!

    Keropokman: Yay…my writing’s not in vain! Hmmmm….I never knew we could grow fig plants in our climate. Or were you living in some other country before this? 😛

    HairyBerry: Hmmmm….interesting point although it was completely unintentional! hahaha…..but I guess you’re right! ^_^

    LFB: Well, it’s easy to guess the source of pains, isn’t it? It starts with an F and ends with B ^_^

  12. Satisfaction beckons the satisfied one pampered deeply from both ends one bigly endowed the other smoothly hairless .

    What does lucky she lacks , but perhaps those yet groping at the back the streets the gluttons , twain soon they shall meet they surely should . Who knows what new senses may they offer to change her world from without

  13. It’s not your usual layout,
    kept flicking between text and pics in and out.
    My head feels dizzy inside out,
    now I need to be a layabout.
    After that, I think I need to get out,
    and treat myself before I burnout.

  14. Happy anniversary, dear Lyrical Lemonygrasskirt and Bald Eagle!
    Me? Every time the other half tells me there are teaspoons missing from the kitchen, I wonder if there’ll be another anniversary. 😉
    Wow, that risotto hides its rice well, eh? How can it be so green and yet lack parsley flavour?
    Also, you’re inspiring me to plate my stir-fried noodles in a more creative fashion. 🙂

  15. 1. Happy Anniversary!
    2. Why no pics of you with the fake eyelashes? (Call them extensions la next time, dont give away all your secrets!!
    3. The food looks just amazing…
    3. How to invite you for dinner when you have such a refined palate??
    4. I’m starting to hate you for taking such lovely photos….

  16. happy anniversary!! i haven’t been back to chinoz since a lousy meal a couple of years back but i guess it’s time to go back. and yes, shu uemura’s the people to go for fake eyelashes. lol. 🙂

  17. Happy Anniversary you two! Finally i get to catch up after 2 weeks limited internet…it was hard for this addict! Lovely lovely writing LL, I always think of you too when I have figs. 🙂 xx

  18. BSG: I look forward to the day when the twain shall meet!

    Henry Yeo: Change is good!

    ling239: Yeah, they look so cozy, one doesn’t have the heart to eat them!

    Kiran: Thanks, and yes, I’m feeling better. 🙂

    thenomadGourmand: Thank you! And yes, I certainly hope so. 🙂

    Cynthia: You’re right. Never doubt the Bald One.

    Simon Seow: They seem to have both concepts: cafe and fine dining. Which is a bit annoying, I think, since there is some overlap (especially in terms of noise!).

    White On Rice Couple: Thank you….wow, you guys are ancient! 😛 Hey, you’re perfect the way you are. 🙂 And Vietnam was LOVELY. I didn’t find the cinammon, though….looks like I shall have to make another trip. (willingly!!)

    Argus Asparagus: You know ar, I always look forward to your comments, especially your creative (funny!) names. I oso dunno abt the colour bit…maybe my tastebuds were off ar? (spoilt by sambal belacan and birds eye chilli) Oh yeah, always fun to be creative in displaying food…I love doing that!

    1. Tankyewberymuch!
    2. Gotta call a spade a spade, dude! 😉
    3. Yes, and the food tastes amazing too.
    3. (Why 3 again ar?) It’s precisely that reason why you should ask me for dinner….coz you’re such an amazing cook! hehe.
    4. Group hug, everyone…..

    daphne: Thanks, Daphne! I’m sure you’re looking forward to all your celebrations too. 🙂

    jasmine: Thanks for the wishes! I think chinoz has changed its menu and concept, so maybe it’s time for a revisit, although it’s hard to say if they’ll screw up again. Once bitten twice shy, eh? LOL…yes, love their eyelashes!

    msiagirl: Thank you, sweetie!! Awww… you’re making me miss you, and I already miss you so much!! 🙁

  19. Pingback: Chinoz on the Park at KLCC

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