Euro Deli Grill, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng


He works hard for the money
So hard for it honey
He works hard for the money
So you better treat him right!

Times are bad.  Bald Eagle now has to resort to armwrestling to earn us a free meal. (Which he successfuly did! Woohoooo! He da man!)

Okay.  The truth is, it was an Oktoberfest weekend at Euro Deli Grill, the Swiss-German restaurant where we celebrated Father-in-Law’s birthday, and instead of the normally quiet and slightly more dignified atmosphere, the place had come alive with loud music and games.  They had armwrestling for women too.  MIL and I took part, but I was whipped in the first round by a european lady who definitely ate more red meat than me.  *grunt*  Oh MIL did better.  All that exercise from housework showed as she breezed into the semis only to be knocked out by…yeah…another european lady who definitely ate more red meat than both of us put together.  Bald Eagle avenged our loss by thrashing a Norwegian twice his size.  Then again, Norwegians eat fish, don’t they?  (I take liberties in saying this ‘coz I LOVE Norwegians (yes you, Gard, and you, Olav) and I know that they know that I’m just joking…don’t hit me with that sardine can!!)

It’s interesting, though, that Bald Eagle chose this restaurant to celebrate his father’s birthday knowing full well that his mother is averse to pork.  Then again, blood is thicker than water, I say, so stay clear of the action and party on.



The food at Euro Deli is far from pretentious.  Not much goes into the presentation, but hey, in a place like this, I’d choose hearty, wholesome and satisfying over presentation anytime.  Throw in a Paulaner, please, while you’re at it.  With a menu that consists predominantly of pork dishes, there is an amazing selection of sausages (farmers, nuernberger, emmenthaler (swiss cheese?), etc), pastas and grills.  And German beers, of course.  My Butcher Plate came with a thick slice of Kassler ham (a type of smoked ham), sausage and knuckle served on a bed of delicious sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.  The pork knuckle was very crispy and crunchy, and the meat tender.  Like all german style pork knuckles, it was rather salty, but paired with the sauerkraut, it was just nice.  The salmon steak, served with a lemon butter sauce, was simple and hardly exciting, but MIL gave it her vote of approval, so I guess it’s worth a try if you’re not into pork.  Prices are in the twenties and thirties generally.  Very reasonable.

Service was good and personable.  A nice place to dine at if you’re in the mood to be loud.  Beer does that to you anyway. There’s also a great view of the Twin Towers if you’re into that sort of thing. Ample parking is available.

Euro Deli Grill
No. 29, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (603) 2162 6991
Fax: (603) 2166 5232


1.  This is not a new restaurant, so there are LOADS of other blog posts on this place. Google it please for other reviews. Cheers.

2.  Mars Bar Baked Cheesecake from my baking idol, Fatboybakes.

30 thoughts on “Euro Deli Grill, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng

  1. check out the GUNS on bald eagle! “Then I saw his guns.. now i’m a believer .. ” (sung to the tune of “I’m a Believer”)… kehkeh..

    love that 1st shot. so much angst in the face!

  2. hahah…after all that whiskey..err i mean beer he could still win armwrestling?? come to think abt it..the only thing i wrestled that nite was the aluminium foil wrapping my beggar chicken,duck and pork leg…

  3. Just can’t go wrong with pork isn’t it? The photo of your niece(?) licking the fork is priceless. Was she eating FBB’s cake? When FBB decides to open his bakery, should use this picture and enlarge it as the wallpaper!

  4. Henry: Agreed.

    cuki&ciki: hahaha…good song, that one. Yeah, love that expression. 😛

    lotsofcravings: spoken like a true foodie!

    Precious Pea: I got a lot of pics of kids eating FBB’s cakes and wearing ecstatic expressions. He should pay me. 😛

  5. hahah, u are too kind mah deah….
    as for paying, u think what, all that whisky is for your other services rendered ah?
    ah, pork… what would life be, without some ham or some lard, what are we, so i say say thank you for the piggy, for giving it to me………

  6. as much as i enjoy a paulaner during oktoberfest, i think it’ll be great to celebrate another alcoholic beverage that has long been a favourite amongst malaysians.

    toddy! so, fest-a-toddy, anyone? 🙂

    throw in some murukkus, fried anchovies, menglembu peanuts and twisties for a complete party!

    oppppsss, over pulak. euro deli looks delish. will check it out. 🙂

  7. fatboybakes: That song is so last week lar. Move on. As for the whisky, of course, I thank you for the whisky, for giving binge to me…..

    Tummythoz: Thanks…I love observing kids eat.

    keropokman: Aiyoh, you’re such an addict. I hope singapore got good pork knuckles coz I aint sending you any. 😛 (Of course, we can discuss a trade…pork knuckles for Tetsuya’s Black Truffle Salsa…)

    sc: Thanks, and yes, family time is always fun time. 🙂

    HairyBerry: Fest-a-toddy? Sorry, I just levelled my coconut plantation to rear my own cows now. Anybody for some cow-juice?

  8. In Bald Eagle’s case … size doesn’t matter ;P look at those muscle on his arm! I bet the Norwegian fella only have omega 3 in his system and noway he can beat your man. You are one lucky babe and good job, Bald Eagle!

  9. hi there ! stumbled upon yr blog in Joe’s. yr nick lemongrass caught my attention cuz i seriously love d whiff of serai ! and im a foodie too – though i don’t know many eating places around, i like a lot of local fare esp. some hawkers near my place

  10. yes, aiyo, i am such an addict.

    we have a group of khinzir fans at our workplace. our love is the kurobuta, but the ordinary ones can do too…

    btw, we get pork knuckles at the Roast section of Cold Storage in Singapore. It’s a boleh tahan version. Excellent for quick dash into the supermarket and tapow back home to eat. hehe..

  11. lovegoddess: Welcome welcome! Local food’s good…we do not discriminate against hawker food either. 🙂 Hope to see you around…don’t be a stranger!

    Anthony: No worries! Yeah, it’s easy to forget old favourites when new restaurants come and dazzle us.

    keropokman: Does this mean we can’t trade (see earlier response)? Wah, a khinzir fan club! (KFC) May I join? Please send me the application form. 😛

  12. Ahhh.. my favourite restaurant. I’m still on their mailing list. So every month I get a list of the weekly menus and I salivate over the dishes I don’t get to enjoy (got Butcher’s Night on 15/11. Jelly pork salad and blood liver sausage on the menu..). Nowadays old redy, kenot even finish the sausage platter, let alone the knuckle platter combo. Love their spaetzle fried with bacon.

    I got thrashed at armwrestling by an innocent-looking aunty during Oktoberfest last year. Looks like I don’t do enough housework… 😀

  13. Hey, are all the men in your life so muscly and hunky? Jealous already!
    Please, pretty, please don’t arm-wrestle me – you might take out my loose right shoulder joint (which last popped out while tobogganing).
    I remember once I got a really good juicy turkey with stuffing from the Euro Deli at D’sara Kim one Christmas for my sisters up north.

  14. haha.. the trade. you mean you finish your tet’s truffles so fast?

    we shall email privately a trade list. Msia pork tak boleh masuk Singapura lah…

    Requirement to join KFC is to tell whether the khinzir has been fed barley or whey powder while growing up. We are the pro-barley people.

  15. Christy: Thanks. The post was as much about family as it was about food, hence the story in the collage. 🙂

    GFAD: Time to get down on your knees and scrub the floors, Cinderella. 😀

    Argus Roti Jala: I’ll be more than happy to share the men with you, Argus dear. (Actually, who u tokking about ar?) Mmmm….turkey….Christmas is coming too….yahooo!

    keropokman: No, just kiasu ler. Gimme your list, man, and I’ll give you mine. Muahahahaha. Wah, I better start practising (eating khinzir) to join your club!

    hazza: You do have a point. Thanks for pointing that out. 🙂

    ling239: Haven’t been to that outlet. Do let me know if you ever visit that outlet. 🙂

  16. hey there!! Nice food reviews….Do u know where is this restaurant located? Any landmarks? Would love to go there and try the food… reply to my email…thanks

  17. I was a regular ay Eurodeli for three years. The food is great (pork chop, pork knuckle or schnitzel) as is the service, especially Danny. Favourite table is A1 in “Lonley Boy Corner”

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