Sid’s Pub, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail

Sid’s Pub


The Malaysian mentality of keeping up with the Joneses goes beyond showing off material goods.  Now we’re even comparing illnesses.  Don’t believe me?  Try telling someone you’re ill.

“I’m ill.  I’ve been throwing up and have had high fever for four days.  I’m miserable.”

“Poor dear,” she says, and for a moment, you think that the world’s good and you will get the sympathy you deserve.  Hah.   It is a brief second before she continues, “Well, I have been coughing so much lately and my mother-in-law has given me this herbal remedy but I don’t think it works on me but I’m hanging on, dear, because I am surrounded by love and my husband and my children who are nursing me back to health because this cough is so terrible that it happens once every three hours and I can’t go to work and if you think you’re bad, I’m worse.”

There, she said it.  What she means is, “Listen missy, if you think you’re sick, I’m sicker.  Nyeh nyeh nyeh.”

Okay, I get it.

But true friends, people, true friends are the ones who make life worth living:

Day 1

SMS from FBB (blogger extraordinaire):  Thamby*, dead ah?

(* term of endearment for My Goddess)

Day 2

FBB:  Thamby, dead ah?

Day 3

FBB:  Thamby, dead ah?

30 minutes later…..

FBB:  So got lose weight ah?

Day 4

FBB:  So, dead yet?

FBB:  Glad to hear u not dead.  Busy weekend, no time for wakes.


I’ve been out of action for a bit, and am still on the road to recovery.  I apologize if you haven’t seen me online for the past week or so.  It is really hard to look at food blogs when one keeps throwing up what one eats.  I spent a miserable week at home wishing that I had more chick-lit instead of books like My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk which starts with “I am a corpse”.  Someone kill me.  Choice No. 2 – Shame by Salman Rushdie.  Choice No. 3 – a Murakami book, can’t remember the name.  Choice No. 4 – the daily newspapers.  Thank God for the IKEA catalogue.


Feeling a little less woozy yesterday, I headed to the nearest pub with the husband.  Nice english looking pub called Sid’s with lots of memorabilia on the walls, chairs which had seen better upholstery in its heyday (about a year ago) and a bartender with a fine english accent.  Almost made me want to spout poetry.

Lamb Kashmiri (RM25)

The food’s typical english pub grub (think toad-in-the-hole) with lots of reference to Sid. Or Sid’s uncle. Or something like that. Despite the rather plain presentation, the taste makes up for it. Lamb kashmiri is cooked with tender pieces of meat and lots of cashew nuts and raisins to tone down the spiciness of this dish making it a rather appetising one.

Pork Vindaloo (RM26)

Notice how the two dishes sort of look alike? I wasn’t kidding about the presentation bit.  But taste it and the difference is apparent.  Vindaloo is not common here in Malaysia as it is a Goan (from Goa) dish.  With roots in Portuguese cuisine, this dish has a stark sourness that is also the trademark of a portuguese devil curry, but is far spicier and enough to burn a hole right through the stomach to Port Dickson.  The lean pork was a bit too stringy for my liking, and I preferred the potatoes in the dish.

Blue Cheese Mushrooms (RM14)

I loved the sauteed button mushrooms in garlic and cream and blue cheese. The cream toned down the pungency of the cheese, but enough of the flavour came through.  The sauce is thick and gooey and sinful. I’d think that this dish would be perfect with a pint.

A pint of Guinness

And speaking of a pint, at RM17 each, a pretty good deal to complete a totally numbing experience. Apparently, they’re having some all day happy hours deal right now.  Go check it out.  I love love love this pub.

Sid’s Pub
No 34, Lorong Rahim Kajai 14
Taman Tun Dr. Ismail
60000 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-7727 7437

40 thoughts on “Sid’s Pub, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail

  1. Henry: Yeah, I think I need more alcohol though.

    cumi&ciki: Ah, you must try the food, but you have been warned! Thanks!

    J2Kfm: Fighting fire with fire mah. 😛 Congee….had that for a week before this suicide march.

  2. And to proof there’s truth to what you said…Yes, I’ve been sick for about a week now! Cough and cold…having a nasty running nose! Hahahaha…..

  3. Hehe, I think I was one of those who would have compared how sick I was except I was really sick and so was too sick to play the “You are sick but I am sicker” game…

    And how come FBB liddat with you ar? He was so nice when he found I was sick leh, leaving sweet comments on my blog. It’s true hor, different folks, different luck, rite? 😆

    Oh, and get well, dear.

  4. Poor baby huh! First the vindaloo then the mushrooms ah? My stomach did a little heave when it saw those mushrooms swimming in blue cheese. Well you must be better, quick quick make up for lost time! x

  5. Oh, so glad to hear that you’re getting better:D
    I do so agree with you on those people who compare illnesses….oh my, I just can’t believe it….is there no real sense of empathy anymore out there?

    Hahahha…those messages from FBB sure are funny:D

  6. What a way to celebrate your recovery!

    Ermm..not trying to prove i am sicker, just to let you know that am on MC at home today, nursing myself back to good health so I can fight fire against fire for BBQ dinner this Saturday! Hahaha!

  7. Kok: Am recovering slowly. Thanks. 🙂

    wmw: Yeah, I heard that you weren’t your usual self at the last K session! Take care and get well soon!

    LFB: FBB lubs in different ways. If it weren’t for him, I would have lost my will to live. *snigger*

    GFAD: Whatever I lost, I put it back right away with that mushroom dish. hehe.

    Manggy: Ah, another believer of fighting fire with fire, I see! You say you’re a doctor? 😉

    msiagirl: And yesterday, I had some glorious rendang tok. Aiyoh, the road to recovery is long and hard and spicy!

    Hazza: Yeah, typical british grub here. The british have adopted curry as their national dish anyway, haven’t they?

    Nate: Yeah, the mushroom’s good. 🙂 As for fine english accents….errrrrrr……..

    Christy: Ah, you understand then! Yeah, it’s about the lack of empathy and the fact that people are more self absorbed to show concern for others. The world’s changing, and sadly, it isn’t for the better. But there are angels among us, and FBB’s one of them. 😉

    Precious Pea: Oh dear!! Take care of yourself and get lots of rest!! Need any morbid reading materials? I have loads. 😉 Here’s a big hug for you.

    lotsofcravings: somehow, spicy food goes best with beer, dontcha think? 🙂

  8. Lyrical,
    Don’t u know everybody wants attention, meh? : “Woe is me, my world has crashed. I am crushed like a lemon drink minus the sugar. How do I survive the next minute?”..
    My colleague dished this out to me the other day when we were lamenting our market shares sobbing stories. No one could outdo this dude who came in and burst into a sympathetic proverbial violin. Luckily my phone rang and my client was starting to tell me she had to stop her housemaid this Friday because she wanted to cut down expenses. Another nyah-nyah “boo hoo, this is all about me”. Hey, what about me – the idiot you rang to tell me all this as if I have the power to heal or make anything better. I also have my share of problems, pains and debts. Where do I go to unleash all the trash I have been subjected to since Wall Street dipped? Yeah, time to visit the pub and sing to my beer and barcadi plus. So yeah, all of us are now singing the blues – I will tell you when things are getting better. Even my pen ran out of ink this morning when we were discussing budget planning. ~Faint~. I need a panadol.

  9. I am so happy to hear you are not dead. No need for all that talk of writing people off wills hor? Am not a big fan of pubs as they always smell like cigarettes, damp wood and pee. However, those mushrooms sound dangerously moreish. Keep them away!!!

  10. like paps i am delighted that you are not dead…..
    i think my arteries just seized up at the sight of the blue cheese mushrooms! nice to see that the illness hasn’t affected your rapier wit….you still the goddess….

  11. The mushrooms look so sinful. The amount of cheese alone is enough to get me salivating. *wipes drool from table*

    Thick cut fries would be have been lovely with the mushroom, no?

  12. woah, i cant think of anything better than a spicy curry and a pint of guiness stout.

    ok, got lar. love and attention…

    yeah, kinda mushroomy cheesy but still…..

    you had both….awwwwwwwwwwww….. 😀

  13. Even English pubs here have curry lunches nowadays..

    *patiently waiting to see the glorious mushrooms bathed in blue cheese and garlic..*

  14. that’s my sister’s fave secret food place! well maybe not so secret..
    oh the burgers there are good too, ithere’s one piled high with loads of stuff and *perfect* patty (terrible memory, i only remember that it was bloody good)

  15. Yoz, dear LL, greetings fr Beijing!
    It’s been a long time since i last got on board & hope u’re recovering well.
    And gosh…am i not regretting tt i’m readg ur blog early in d mrng&drooling@food tt i can’t get here…
    And again, i’m hvg exam tml!!! (only after 6wks in Beijing) -_-” i’m still thinking of the sweetbites fr u d other time… *touch*

  16. Mercadia: You are so funny!! But yeah, that’s basically what I go through as well. Except for my pen running out of ink. I normally carry a spare.

    Paprika: All that stink just adds to the ambience mah. C’mon, we gotta go one day, girlfriend! 😛

    fatboybakes: I’ll try not to die at an inconvenient time, dear. As for my wit, you do bring out the worst in me.

    Bangsar-bAbE: I agree, thick cut fries would go wonderfully with the cheese. They served it with toast, which was nice too.

    lotsofcravings: Spicy food and beer is the best combination, babe.

    HairyBerry: Of course lar…I’m surrounded by love, spice and beer all the time mah…awwwww……

    GFAD: Aiks…I forgot to upload pics for youuuuuuuu……

    babe_kl: I understand…it is kinda dark inside. But it’s a good place to hang out, ain’t it?

    yin: Don’t forget to call me. 🙂

    ling239: I think FBB saves that message on his phone. Just auto-send ony. 😛

    wingspoon 味蕾散步: Emailed you. Let me know which one you prefer, k. 😀

    jeen: Oooh, I must try the burgers next time. Hahaha…yeah, not so secret after all. 😛

    Argus craving curry again: Where got romantic and nostalgic one? *taking another look at the pikchers* Anyway, good to be back from hell. (Btw, I finished the book you gave me di…hehe)

    Jojo: So nice to hear from you!!! Hey, study hard, k…when you come back, we’ll go makan and celebrate the end of your exams. 😀

    jason: He lubs me mah. 😛 Thanks…. 🙂

    sc: Looks like the burgers are good, eh? I must try the next time. 🙂

    Nicole: Lub you tooooo!!! 😀 Honestly, I don’t blame ya. KL food rawks.

  17. Pingback: Sid’s Pub @ TTDI | sooyindotcom: baby, you & me

  18. Pingback: Now I’m going English… at Sids Pub in TTDI | thenomadGourmand

  19. Nice place but terrible waiter called Mark. Very rude. Caters to the ‘mat salleh’ crowd only. Bad experience and will never take clients there again.

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