Palate Palette, Jalan Mesui KL


“Are you the type who likes surprises”, he asked on Facebook.


Book of Sins by Bernice Chauly

The best type of surprise.  When someone pays attention to what you said in an earlier conversation on Tagore and Murakami and the silken liquid voice of Bernice Chauly.

And he even got it autographed for me.  I can’t contain my pleasure.

It’s not always about food.



We are lunchtime alcoholics.


palate palette

We share delectable gossip at a table converted from an old sewing machine.  It is almost like it was meant to be.  Except that in the old days, little old ladies at sewing machines told each other stories of the fishmonger who slept with the goreng pisang seller’s daughter.  That dirty old man.


palate palette

Is this a reflection of our minds? A cornucopia of colours, twisted metal and wires? Beneath it all, we are so alike.



My shrimp and avocado salad. A splendid combination of ingredients, but in this case, the finely chopped avocado was rather hard and lacked the creamy, buttery taste of ripe avocados.



His oxtail shepherd’s pie. Braised, hearty, chunky oxtail in a pie with mushroom sauce to pour over it. The surface is a garlic potato combo.


palate palette Lamb & onions potato wedges Ginger Creme Brulee Toasted carrot cake palate palette 
Fish & chips

No ordinary fish and chips here. Tempura fried dory with a combination of potato and yam chips, an appealing vertical presentation.


Petit Green Tea Mille Feuille

The pastry has a brittle, biscuit-like texture with the aroma of sesame. The custard, sandwiched between the biscuit layers, is creamy and has a faint green tea flavour.  This is my favourite.



My weekend sojourn.



With my Weekend B^*ch ©.


“The world is full of metaphors
  and I am one of them.”

                                     -Bernice Chauly-


Palate Palette
21 Jalan Mesui, Off Jalan Nagasari
50200 KL.

Tel: 03-2142 2148

Sunday & Weekdays 12pm to 12am
Friday & Saturday 12pm to 2am
Closed Monday.

Website here


Perhaps it is necessary to include the following notes:

1.  No bald eagles were harmed in the process.

2. The Weekend B^*ch © is a food blogger from the south who visits KL once a week….on weekends….hence the Nic(k).

3.  Consent was obtained before making the reference. 🙂

47 thoughts on “Palate Palette, Jalan Mesui KL

  1. What a sensational post. Whilst I always enjoy reading A Whiff of Lemongrass for the great depictions of eateries and the food served within, the increasingly frequest added extras are really seting this food blog apart. “With my Weekend B^*ch” made me piss myself laughing.

    Keep up the great work Lyrical!

  2. The “floating” mille feuille, the Van Gogh”ish” (me thinks) perspective of the sewing machine, that dirty old man. Lyrical indeed. 😀

    22: That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life. (Stray Birds by Rabindranath Tagore)

  3. Heh. Is it just me or are like half the pics from our little sojourn to PP almost a year ago? Hehe, those were the days…

    *begins tuesday morning drama skit*

    …when still you enveloped me in the deepening depths of your womanly warmth… when still I enamoured you with my careless charms… when still I scaled your perilous peaks… O don’t you miss me, my darling dear…

    *ends tuesday morning drama skit*

    On the other hand, I know my next destination for my Double-D’s. Kewl.

  4. i kinda recognise that hirsute chest… despite first having been assailed by that sight in a state of residual inebriation. bald eagle doesnt mind you …whats the word….. fraternising with all these young eligible men?

  5. actually, i cant really say the food looks all that good. was it? and who is bernice chauly? “the world is full of metaphors and i am one of them”? rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll eyes…

  6. Henry Yeo: But not too often, I guess. 😛

    Steve K: I’m glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂 The Weekend B^*tch will be glad to hear that too. 🙂

    Nic: LOL. Thanks for the inspiration. 😉 That’s a very beautiful poem.

    Mei: He’s single and he owns a blog. Wanna know more? 😉

    Kenny: You have such vivid memory. 😛 Btw, for X-rated comments on perilous peaks, feel free to leave them on FBB’s blog (or message me directly hehehe). 😛 This one, got children visiting.

    ling239: green tea mille feuille. I love it.

    fbb: You are such an unromantic. And of course BE knows everything. *roll eyes* Time to board the train to the 21st century. 🙂

    bernsy: ya lor. he’s single, but probably not your type. 😛

  7. the F word can carry a myriad of connotations– and not all of them bad. as i was scrolling down the page, the F word kept gng thru my mind– because i was blown away by ur pics. i reli like #4, 5, 10 and 12. none of them food-related, i know ;p pls dun let photography be another one of ur “hangat-hangat tahi ayam” hobbies!

  8. james: to each his own. 😛 But once you’ve tried hairy, you won’t wanna turn back. 😛

    Jun: You know what…I was using the F word several times today while driving to work too, but not in the same way that you were using it. hehe. Thanks so much lah…you don’t know what you comment means to me! No…I believe this is one of those lifetime things.

    citygal: Oooooh. Tell more. 😛

  9. Aww James, that’s being sexist. 😛 Cake…’s a surprise. 😉 You gotta promise to eat it all up, though.

    Simon Seow: Yeah…I love that combo too. 🙂

    Joe: Ah yes, but in your case, you can’t have that chest hair coz we gotta see your nipples, remember?

  10. i am sure not all women are attracted to them hairy types. however, i’ve yet to meet a man who’s attracted to hairy women. life’s so unfair right. (trying to picture lemongrass with a moustache…..shuddder)
    speaking of avocados, BV was having an avocado sale, like RM3 for a bag of 3 avocados on the brink of rotting….

  11. fbb: C’mon…there’s something about hairy women that’s sexually appealing. Well, maybe not a moustache…how about a hairy arm, for eg? So u stocked up on rotting avocados?

    BBO: Uhmmm. I’ve just added an addendum specially for you. 🙂

  12. wow, BBO sure recognises his hairy men. snigger.
    nah, i cunt say i find hairy women appealing, unless the hair is on the HEAD, and locksful like nigella lawson. hair in (almost) any other region makes MY hair stand on ends…..

  13. Johnny, I have to disagree. The keyword is refinement.
    Afterall, we all do love to walk on the turf with our naked feet, don’t we?
    And you know what they say about women with hairy arms 😉

  14. Pope: Well, can’t blame BBO. Not many chinese men with hairy chests, right?

    HairyBerry: Let’s just say I’m glad I’m a woman and that I don’t have to worry about too much hair on a man. Yes….I know what they say about women with hairy arms, but since mine aren’t hairy, I’ll have to say that the same applies to women with hairless arms too? 😛

  15. Jian: I blame it on FBB. Heck…I blame all the world problems on him too.

    FBB: Aiyoh…you obviously haven’t experienced heaven yet.

    Live2Talk: Hehe….last time I checked, he was single and very much available. You know where to find him. 🙂

  16. if a arms of a hairy woman are heaven….. i’m leaping from grace, into the pits of sulphur….eughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    that reminds me of my headmistress who didnt shave her pits. i have been traumatised since childhood, coz she hauled me up during assembly, and i was standing on eye level with her armpits, and she was wearing a sleeveless flourescent green dress with purple polka dots. you can HARDLY blame me for being eternally shaken by hair in the wrong places.

  17. xlb, aiyer, you peep me ar?

    christine, “sexy”? hehe…i give chris some tips, wan or not? ;D

    camemberu, haha, nope. i just hope it doesnt decrease. lol!

    lyrical lemongrass, sorry for replying ar! 😉

  18. haha, I do enjoy reading your witty and at times, sarcastic remarks, aside from your elegant food porn … 😉
    btw, were you in any ways, distracted during the meal? LOL

  19. Haiya, haiya. I chust turn my back for a week and off you go cavorting with hirsute-chested satyrs. How lah, how can?
    Your writing also very fun one.
    Heh heh, FBB doesn’t know who Ms Chauly is. *rolls eyes*

  20. U made it look & sound SO good! I was just there earlier this month & felt that this place doesn’t give my money’s worth :S portion is small & the price is high le…is it just me or I was there on a bad day? There seem to be quite a bit of ‘good reviews’ of this place as well…it’s as if I’m the only one giving a ‘not-so-good’ review of this place *sigh* we spent more than RM700 on our total bill & we weren’t full!! 🙁

  21. PerutBesi: The world would be a boring place if all of us had only one view. You have every right to have a different opinion – just express it well and responsibly on your blog and do it with a clear conscience. Bear in mind that this review was done almost 2 years ago, and as such, things may have changed since then. I like PP for its ambience and I think the food is secondary in a place like this. Hugs, R. 🙂

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