Prime, Le Meridien


“Welcome back,” he said.

It was a Saturday evening, and I was chuckling to myself when his words interrupted my reverie.

“Whatever for?” I asked.

“You’re back.” He smiled. “So we’re going to Prime to celebrate.”

“Back? I never went anywhere.” I looked hard for the bump on his head where he would have knocked his head on the cangkul.

“I thought I had lost you this past week.  You were turning into a grumpy little thing and your language had become quite colourful,” he said.


He was right.  I had turned into a grouch. A grumpy cynical grouch. It almost felt like it was my cross to bear. And that’s the thing. It was my cross to bear. Every vote counted in the end.

And so, to let him know that I had indeed returned, I agreed to let him buy me dinner at Prime.

breads butter

Two types of bread were placed before us. A slightly spicy focaccia bread, soft and herby, and several slices of nutty mexican bread.  Three different types of butter accompanied the bread – salted, barbecued and herbed.  All were excellent, and as much as I told myself that I wouldn’t pig out on bread, I did.  If there’s one thing I can’t resist, it’s good butter.  And now that I have to wait almost 16 months for the incomparable truffle butter at Cilantro, I have to look for substitutes before I start milking cows and churning cream to make my own butter.  Which can be quite a feat considering that I have little space in my humble abode for cows.  I can hardly see them grazing on my 10 x 10 ft lawn.

portobello mushroom salad

The portobello mushroom salad, costing RM45 for 2 pieces, came covered with rocket, cheese and truffle. I loved how the mushrooms came perfectly grilled, and had absorbed a hint of the accompanying flavours.  (Sorry, in my haste to photograph this salad, I forgot to lift up the skirt to reveal the temptations beneath.)

T-Bone Steak

He ordered a mother of a steak. All of 16oz of it. It was an Australian T-bone steak (aged 60 days, I think), grilled medium rare and served with a creamy mash sprinkled with bits of fragrant truffle, asparagus, peppercorn sauce and a glorious bearnaise sauce.  He pronounced it a good piece of meat, juicy and succulent and grilled to perfection.

kobe beef

Prime was having a special promo (for March) on the king of steaks – the magnificent Kobe. As much as the other options (and there were many) tempted and tantalised me, I was steadfast in my choice. The master kobe chuck flap tail tataki with cannellinni beans stewed with smoked beef bacon, rocket leaves and a winter truffle sauce was lightly seared on the outside, thus retaining the juiciness inside. And the flesh? It was pink and tender and yielded easily as I sliced it with my knife.


My dessert was a warm chocolate cake accompanied by a scoop of macadamia nuts ice-cream and fresh fruits.

chocolate cake

The chocolate cake was delicious served with some chocolate sauce poured over it.


Yup, I was back.

Le Meridien
2 Jalan Stesen Sentral
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 2263 7888

The good people of AD may view the pictures HERE.

39 thoughts on “Prime, Le Meridien

  1. whoa… when you pay top dollar for your steaks thats what you get la… nice juicy steaks… Welcome Back

    btw… where did you go actually.. hehehehe

  2. You must be mighty proud of your pinup boy – pixes are up so fast this time… 😛
    For whatever reason, for a brief moment I was reminded of the chippendales when I saw his HUGE pen..dant.. 😀
    whatodo.. abs boy has been MIA..

    So if we no take beef, what else is good there??

  3. oohh…patutlar senyap jer minggu lepas…hehehe…
    ada aktiviti besar-besaran rupanyer…*pukul u dari belakang* (pat on your back) 🙂

    bestnyer makanan kat sini!…semua dishes ade cendawan keras (truffles…hehe!)…

    habis, tak tengok result lar ni??? i dengar dahsyat, tau…*kelip kelip mata*

  4. Precious Pea: Yeah, I like his…umm…eyes too. And the grouch thing, I wouldn’t recommend. Sometimes can backfire!

    Joe: now that’s really funny. 😀

    Bernsy: I didn’t go far. Was at home. But my mind wasn’t at home. Which means food gets burnt and stuff like that! hehehe.

    kat: What to do…I hadn’t put up a blog post for a week coz of my shifting moods, so I had to put up a post quickly before everyone ran away. I do love my pinup boy, dontcha? As for non-beef, yeah, the have other stuff, but I haven’t tried any.

    Nic: Aku tak tengok results malam tu lah, tapi satu malam dapat sms dari rakan2. Lagi, table sebelah kita, orang itu kuat2 announce “wahlauwei…shahrizat sudah keluar!”. Alamak. Habis ambiens romantis kita. Tapi bang, aku lega sekarang. Boleh balik ke pangkuan kesayanganku yang pertama – blog makan. Errr….oh tidak….suamikulah No.1 (tapi blog makan pun kongsi tempat pertama hehe).

  5. Daphne: He’s a very nice and caring fler. It’s nice to be married to a pinup boy. 😀 Not so scary in the morning.

    Mama BoK: You’re right. I’m very blessed!! 🙂

    JOjo: Yes, I do adore him too. Colourful words – not for your ears!! hehe.

    Jun: You got that right! He’s a very generous dude.

  6. What a nice hubby you have there. 🙂 Some more so handsome. That kobe sounds fanbloodytastic!

    The wind has changed direction. We’ll just have to see what it brings.

  7. Koochikoochi-cooo! Hey, Lyrical, glad you’re back.
    Not lifting the rocket skirt bit made me chuckle.
    ‘Syabas’ to the political rocket, too.

  8. Paprika: Fanbloodytastic is the new Paprika word for the day, isn’t it? hehe. Yar lor, I’m one lucky person.

    argus: Yeah…glad to be back too. 🙂 I presume you were following the news over there? A pity you weren’t able to vote.

    Henry: Oh yes, BE sure knows how to treat his wife nice. hehe. And you don’t need to take Joe’s place. When Joe’s up to it, we can all go together!

  9. Haha. This is the first time I see the infamous Bald Eagle. Macho man. Just a bit of truffle and the salad cost RM 45. Such luxury. Kobe beef sold here eh. I’ll wait for year end bonus.

  10. Simon: The Kobe beef was a special promo for the month of March. I suggest you call and check if they’re serving before going there.

    J2Kfm: The steaks were pretty good. The meat ranges from abt RM100 to RM400 depending on what you take. 🙂

    BBO: Oh your desserts look good enuff as they are! Will call you…thx!

    kampungboycitygal: thank you!! There were more irritants other than the banners and posters, though… 😛

  11. hehe…dinner doesn’t always have to be 50-100 😉

    I can tell you right now just from looking at your photos that I would have been content with the bread and salad…they look sooo good!! fresh and simple…yum!

  12. Looks like he has something up his sleeves ( or issit his forehead ) if he so patiently cordially wait & then blurts out the invitation to treat. But never mind since all those premiums aged for months should temper down all those high anxieties the overaged Bollywood temptress once upon a time beauty overbored the uphigh Anwaristas that evening. Hopefully the godsend young new lady can leave Bangsar alone and let it bloom back to its former glory.
    so when u gonna release the rest of the untold night’s story ? hehe ( they all get suspicious…all da time with your colorful languages )

  13. My bro in law used to work in Meridien until he went someplace else.. did not had the chance to dine in there, cos im so far up north, but the food there looks great… 🙂

    the portobello mushroom salad looks and sounds soo very yummy… im hungry.

  14. i was at Le Meridien Ballroom Sunday night for Wedding Dinner (GE12 was main conversation) , and Renaissance Saturday night for another wedding dinner. Had a lot of SMSes coming in with loads of unconfirmed results at that time of the evening (GE12 was the most talked about topic that night).

  15. jason: i don’t want lines to form on my face. Better to smile. 🙂

    Alexandra: I agree with you (on the bread and butter). But if I did that, there’ll be a warning for all staff to bar me from entering a subsequent time. 😛

    team bsg: The subsequent story wasn’t very exciting. We went home and he sat in front of the TV to watch his beloved Liverpool team play. *big sigh*

    Henry Yeo: hehe.

    MYF: Oh what a pity! Maybe you can visit his current workplace for some good food instead? 🙂

    Bernsy: Looks like it’ll be the talk of the town for a long time more! Now everybody’s a politician. 🙂

    rasa malaysia: Yeah….oh, you haven’t met him, hor! I can vouch for the “licious” part. 😉

  16. Was it any special day you were celebrating ? “P
    Well, even if it was a celebration, I don’t remember the last time my hub brought me to such a nice dinner. All the meats looks good! I WANT STEAK now! I am going to be sticky and stick to you.

  17. Jian: What did your mum teach ya to eat?

    lingzie: Yeah, it was pretty good. I hope you manage to find your steaks. 🙂

    ling239: they have 3 options with prices ranging from RM120 to RM390. Yeah…definitely melt in the mouth!

    tigerfish: No special occasion. BE loves surprising me with treats like this. 🙂 Come on and join me. 🙂

  18. Heehee….celebrity blogger with celebrity hubby too but of course your pic of him definitely nicer looking than the one in the papers :o)

  19. good quality fat laden butter lolz…you will not believe she would actually fork out RM11 for a chunk of butter. Of course back then cheaper lah. And good milk!!! I noe Pick n Brew uses that Farmhouse milk.

    So thanx to mom, my dompet went slimmer instead of my waistlines 🙂

    haha celebrity husband and celebrity blogger. boleh minta photograph of u couple with autograph? lolz

  20. Thanks for your kind comments on Blog Number 1,500 🙂 Your blog-photography is inspiring!!!

    “that’s a lot of blog entries! And I will definitely check out this restaurant since I spend quite a bit of time in Klang. Thanks!”

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