The C. Club, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur

The C. Club

Walking into The C. Club (an offspring of The Carat Club), the first question that came to my mind was “Who the h*%$ was the I.D. guy?”  On one hand, some of the furniture were lovely.  I loved the Kartell Bubble Club armchairs by Philippe Starck (the man I’ve worshipped for over 5 years) and the droolworthy Louis Ghost chairs also by the same awesome designer, but if one wanted to carry the same polycarbonate theme throughout the restaurant, at least choose something better than the plasticky silver bamboo-like chairs and the faux marble laminated tables that not only appeared unstable, but were unstable.  Forgive me if I’m wrong, but they certainly didn’t resemble designer furniture, unlike the immediately recognisable Starck pieces.  And yet, these were still acceptable, because at the very least, they tried to comply with the overall theme.  What I couldn’t stomach were the chilli red cushions bearing the “fook” character, obviously in preparation for the coming Chinese New Year celebrations, and the unsightly pink carnations in cheap yellow vases that screamed pasar malam throughout the restaurant.    Don’t get me wrong.  I am not against CNY decorations if they are tastefully done and go with the overall theme.  Why spend so much on I.D. and then destroy the entire look by throwing around a few cushions which are completely wrong?


I told myself that nothing would get me down.  I was going to be optimistic about the evening.  After all, I had two of my favourite friends with me, so it would take a lot to get me upset.  I looked at the menu.  I had to read it at an awkward angle as it was made of an annoyingly shiny paper with specks that reflected light at different angles.  Much like diamonds.  Except that this was just paper.  The girls said that I was getting old and that was why I couldn’t read the menu.  I say bollocks.

I slid, or rather, attempted to slide, on the cushioned seat to get nearer to Paprika.  My pants got caught on the remarkably non-slip upholstery and almost ripped off my butt.

Nope.  Nothing would get me down.

Service was amazing.  Three guys came to our table (all on separate occasions) to let us know that the food would arrive shortly.  The first came and said 40 minutes.  Five minutes later, the second dude came to say 3 minutes.  The third played safe and said it would arrive shortly.  Smart fellow.  He’ll go far.

We ordered the three mains which were recommended to us.  Boolicious had the grilled aged fillet of beef with wasabi and sea urchin butter served with wakame, broccolini (that’s not baby broccoli but a cross between a broccoli and chinese kale) and tempura shimeji mushrooms (RM59).  Quite a mouthful, but only in words.  The tenderloin had slits in it due to the supposed ageing process, while the sauce had an obvious japanese taste to it, although I wouldn’t be able to tell what sea urchin butter tasted like.  In other words, some of the flavours were subtle.  The wakame flavour came through, and there was definitely a buttery taste to the sauce.

True to my name, I had the lemongrass and rosemary marinated lamb loin with pumpkin roesti, jumbo asparagus and tomato and roasted garlic glace (RM55).   The lamb loin was cooked perfectly, a tinge of rose but not bloody, very tender and tasted lovely especially when touched lightly with the dark and intensely flavoured garlic sauce.  Too much, and the sauce overpowers the meat.  Too little, and it tastes bland.  So you, as the diner, are in control of how happy you will be at the end of the day.  Much like assembling Ikea furniture.  Screw the wrong hole, and your spouse doesn’t get that good night kiss he so longingly craves for.  The pumpkin roesti was plain and a little raw.  I ate it with the sauce for added flavour.

What turned out to be the star of the night was a dish we all kept pushing to each other as it didn’t seem appealing on paper.  Paprika was rewarded for her graciousness when she agreed to take the pan seared salmon “rossini” on oxtail stew, topped with foie gras and balsamic palm sugar glace (RM59).  That’s a little bit of fish, cow and fowl for you.  Would you have ordered this dish if no one told you it was good?  I think not.  Anyhow, the way I see it, this is a meal for the rich, simply because very little chewing is involved.  The salmon was cooked to perfection and went wonderfully with the foie gras and oxtail stew.  Paprika’s only complaint was that a few pieces of oxtail required a little more chewing.  Oh, what would I know.  I grew up poor but happy and chewed quite a bit in my lifetime.

Overall, the three dishes were just wonderful, and more than made up for the lack of taste in other areas (hint: red cushions).   I tried leaning back on those cushions, and they were actually quite comfortable.  The next time I visit, I shall have to wear dark glasses, or perhaps a filter over my spectacles to block all colours clashing with silver.  And if I’m in a really good mood, I shall knock over the yellow vase.  Because something that ugly does not deserve a place in this universe.

The C. Club
Level 6, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur
168 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 03-2141 3160

Grilled aged fillet of beef

Grilled aged fillet of beef with wasabi & sea urchin butter served with wakame, broccolini & tempura shimeji mushroom

Lamb loin

Lemongrass & rosemary marinated lamb loin with pumpkin roesti, jumbo asparagus & tomato and roasted garlic glace

Salmon with oxtail stew and foie gras

Pan seared salmon “rossini” on oxtail stew, topped with foie gras and balsamic palm sugar glace

Ugly fugly cushion

Ugly fugly cushion

35 thoughts on “The C. Club, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur

  1. Fugly? I’ll have you know I dreamed of those cushions last night and they made sweet, sweet lo… uhm, loh sang to me? 😛

    Love it how nothing gets ya down, dear. That’s the spirit! (Alcoholic and otherwise.)

  2. Lol…You actually compared the roesti to an Ikea furniture!!!haha…
    The pictures are gorgeous and the restaurant looks so classy (in the first pic)
    But yellow vase and the red pillow are a bit of hmm…Turn off? heez..

  3. hahah looks like when i pull my wisdom tooth after CNY, i can order the last non chewing dish eh?.. but i m afraid i might knock down everything on my way in, if you found the table unstable!

  4. Argus: You’re one tongue twister, you are! teehee! We are so gonna be hated by the blind. lol.

    Kenny: No, nothing gets me down. Other than that expensive pair of earrings I dropped on the floor the other day. Was quite an effort to bend down.

    Precious Sista: Well, portions were a bit small, but very satisfying. 🙂

    JOjo: heehee. Love to have a bit of fun occasionally. Food shouldn’t be taken so seriously. 🙂 I’m glad you agree with me abt the decor. 😛

    Joe: No lah, table isn’t that unstable. But yeah, if we all went there and accidentally nudged the tables, soon all the yellow vases will be no more. We’d actually be doing them a favour. 🙂

  5. Your post is hilarious!! hahaha… I see you decided not to pull any punches after all eh? Good, then I don’t sound like the bitch ALL the time. And thanks for counting me as one of your fav friends. Awwww, I wuv u!!

  6. And to think we’re applying to be Puppy Walkers — you know, folk who bring up a labrador puppy for a year before it gets trained by professionals as Seeing-Eye Dogs?

    That tear-jerker Japanese film ‘Quill’ is all about the life of one such dog and its original ‘foster parents’.

  7. Paprika: It’ll take awhile before I match your standard. 😛 😛 Heeeheeee. Wuv u too girl!! 🙂

    Argus: Got an aunt who does that too. Sadly, one dog never did get disciplined, so they ended up keeping the dog! hahaha.

    Zahara: I burnt the picture and sprinkled the ashes in the Nile.

    BBO: No need bonus lar…u guys so rich mah.

    wmw: Yeah, you’re right. hehe. But looking at other pics of ppl who have blogged abt this place, the yellow vases look like new additions. Musta been a cheap sale somewhere.

    ling239: Yeah, no complaints abt the food. Pic of the yellow vase? Aiyoh, I want ppl to come back to visit my blog. 😛

  8. Are you taking anger management classes?
    You seem composed despite the visual deficiencies.

    Perhaps Mr. Starck would have done a better job with the CNY deco…think of cushions with edible food deco and tangerine flavoured cotton candy to replace the sponge.

    In fact, the salmon+foie gras combo does resemble him in a way…weird and yet, it works…

  9. i’ve to agree with you on the ID of C. Club. Prior to its opening, i was expecting a WOW factor for the ID of the shop cos it is afterall by the ppl behind Carat club.

    Unfortunately, the outcome was worse than i’ve expected. The cheap looking cushion covers, “fook” or no “fook”, that is inexcusable.

    Style cannot be compromised cos 1) it is a sister co of Carat club so once you screw up, ur brand is gone 2) selling exp jeweleries and serving gr8 food but using cheap accessories?

    I could go on & on but I will stop 🙂

  10. I agree with you on classy and style and things that fit into the environment!
    I am particular with the entire presentation of each place I go to; hence the name picky or fussy person:p

    And, I will definitely go for the salmon; since I am no-meat person:p
    However, the foie gras doesn’t appeal that much to me nor the cow or fowl:p

  11. I know this is out of topic (I’m a bit slow on catching up with your posts, ok?), but “Punggung salib panas”*!!!

    *as hudsoned by ms preeta

  12. ethn: Join me for a bitch session when you’re free. 😀 I enjoyed your ranting.

    daphne: Ugly fugly ar, not just ugly.

    Christy: Absolutely! And when you order the salmon, call me. I’ll help ya eat the foie gras. hehe.

    BigFish: Very nice indeed (the food, I mean)!

    kat: Yah, way outta topic, girl. But I get ya. Heehee. (Looks like we read the same blogs!)

  13. Good girl. I see you’ve been paying attention then. One big red shiny star for Kat. 🙂 (But the blog in question is a good read…one of my daily reads, actually!…especially the controversial posts.)

  14. Hi there, do you more pictures of the restaurant? Your review do paint a nice image but like they said, a picture is worth a million words.

    I heard the “moon deck” is spectacular…

  15. The ghost chairs have really come down in price now and I’m seeing them be sold to restaurants and more interesting venues like weddings and trade shows. If you have some really nice tables out there, you don’t want to distract from them with the standard upholstered high back chairs.

    Having a full restaurant of these is really an interesting thought though, but I wonder if the drunk people would start knocking things over because they couldn’t see it 🙂

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