Yummy birthday cake by Delectable by Su
Until last week, I had only tried cupcakes and the regular fare at Delectable by Su, and so I was pretty pleased when my Shu Uemura Birthday Party ended with a sweet bang. The birthday cake was a rustic looking sandwich with oodles of cream, chocolate ganache and strawberries, rich and absolutely sinful. Su takes baking and decorating very seriously as can be seen from her prettily decorated cakes.
Thank you, Shu Uemura, for throwing me such an amazing birthday party. I am in love with the Autumn/Winter 2010 makeup palette filled with all my favourite colours (purple being one of them), now in my makeup pouch together with my Shu Uemura makeup brushes which I bought last year and can’t do without. Seriously, those brushes are so soft and impart colour on the face so well that I can’t imagine how I survived without them. And the lashes! Such a pain to put them on, but they’re lovely. I have several sets of Shu Uemura lashes which I stare at regularly but rarely put on because I’m useless (yes, I’m better at catching peanuts with chopsticks than applying fake eyelashes), so I’m glad we had a chance to learn how to put them on. The final collage shows me and my friends with our falseys on, while the earlier collages show the torture tools employed.
And after all that, we supped at Poco Homemade with simple bowls of noodles and rice.
Boys weren’t allowed at my Shu Uemura party. But they crashed it anyway.
happy birthday!
hope it’s been a week of laughter, fun and surprises!
see u for wine/cocktails soon!
happy birthday! that shu uemura thanking u for being their no1 customer!
What a great day out with the girls! Thanks Jon! And *hugs* happy happy birthday again Meena
ooh, love those fakeys too but some are so dramatic that i’d look like a street whore with them on -__- anyways, here’s another bday wish to the queen of food and photography (and now makeup too lol)– many happy returns of the day!
Everyone looks so pretty! Happy Birthday Meenachi! I lap you, even though you won’t let me plant a wet one on your lips :* Heheh…why weren’t the boys invited?
My AhPa thought me to wish you, “Happy Belated Birthday!” But u know its all love.
U gurls looked damn pretty that day with falseys (that’s what they’re called, not fakeys. too funny). Not like ur not pretty just the way you are. Glad I crashed the partay.
Love the pic of KM & Devil! So kesian, like they wanted a pair of falseys for themselves
Sean: Thanks for the wishes! You cheated. Pbbbthhhhhh!
lotsofcravings: Nice to be thanked in that way then.
J: It was, wasn’t it? And you looked gorgeous that day. Aiyah, you always do anyway lah.
Jun: You’d never look like a street whore lah coz you have the face of an angel.
Thanks, Jun!
unkaleong: They do, don’t they? Thanks for NOT planting a wet one on my lips. The boys are such drama queens, better not invite any.
A Lil Fat Monkey: Hahaha. Thankfully, got no “belated birthday” wishes on MY birthday cake.
Oops…falseys! Will amend accordingly. What I know anyway. I’m useless.
Yar, make them happy la, bff. Give em lashes. And boobs.
Happy Birthday, dear (again)!!
And oh aye. Was it our fault we happened to choose the same day to visit Poco Homemade. To your BFF’s credit, he certainly did not let slip out your all-girl-party’s whereabouts.
Call it Serendipity.
Plus, thanks to that accidental “party-crashing”, you’all got new passport photos what. Methinks I got new career in this, can work for Immigration.
HAPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BIRTHDAY THAMBYYYYYYYYYYYY! may you live to a 100, and may your lashes be like aisywara rai’s….
i’m still groggy from last night, so dont expect any profound greetings.
LFB: Yeah, you got a point. I like my new passport photo, but like JQ said, they may reject the pic coz we don’t look like our pictures! Puan, itu rambut mata (eyelash) sangat panjang, tolong cabutkan!
FBB: I need Aisywara Rai’s huge-ass eyes too. I’ve never expected profound greetings from you, tangechi. Never.
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
– Lucille Ball
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweetcakes!
The first pix looks yummy. Oh, the cake looks good too..
And I luuurve the pix of KM and D!! So keh-lian, with their puppy dog eyes.
Dang all this talk about muffins and cakes is making me hungry. And there aren’t any shops open until this evening!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wishing you lots of love, rainbows, happiness, foie gras and all things delicious!
Happy Birthday Meena!! It seems that you had a great time at the birthday bash!!!
lovely! the lashes remind me of .. me?! mwuahaha.. Jon looks gr8 in DRAG! ciki likes this!
CT is super smoking words cannot describe HAWT!
gfad: I notice you’re drooling over all the pics with boys in ’em. Don’t blame you, though. Young blood and all.
Paps: You had me at foie gras!
thule: Thanks, Leo! I’ve had many great celebrations.
feed the ciki: Yeah, you would have fit right in. hehe. Jon would make a great girl. CT is always hot, even when she is dressed as a nun.
Happy birthday, yo! Here’s to many, many more great things in life…including rambut mata yang panjang-panjang.
whao, nice falseys!
they are long and if you wink fast it enough it could fan a satay grill.
hahahaha, heapy birthday again.
p/s: bieber brought u cake! nicema
Such a lovely way to celebrate birthdays!
Such a memorable day it must be! Lovely!
Oooh… You got pix of CT dressed up as a nun or not?
happy birthday! have a blast ya ^^
Meena, is 27 Aug your bday? We share the same birth date then. Happy Birthday to us
I is drooling over only 1 pikcher…
happie birthday again
that was such a special partieeee
what a fabulous way to celebrate with BFFs
Hairy: Terima kasih banyak banyak!
chaokar: Fan satay grill! hahaha. You’re hilarious! (Oooh, you made the connection with Justin Bieber! 10 points for you!)
Pureglutton: Indeed, it was!
wyyv: Thanks very much!
treasure memories: Happy birthday to us! I like that.
Next time, we gotta celebrate together. 
gfad: and no prizes for guessing which one, right?
ai wei: thank you, dear!!
babe_kl: hehe, it was good fun.
happy bday meena! I’m drooling over the cake, and the dude in picture #1
Happy Belated Birthday! (I tot I wished, did I?)
The first pic – that guy looks familiar…
Wow!! I love the cake!! Envy u^^ U must had a fun day…Happy Belated Burfday~~