When the mind wanders to the gutter, there is no turning back. That’s all I can say when I heard the name Oriental Spoon.
Oh, their tagline’s “Wholesomely Oriental”. *big smile*
Fatboybakes decreed that I had a non-existent social life and took it upon himself to ensure that I was suitably entertained at night by issuing me an invitation to dine at Oriental Spoon (upon the request of his “Godma” who instructed him one morning over breakfast to “get your food blogger friends over to Sooka Sentral to try out Ming Lee’s new restaurant”).

Clockwise from top left: Steamed “Siu Mai” with fresh scallops – RM 12, steamed minced chicken buns (char siew pao) – RM 8.00, steamed glutinous rice with chicken – RM 8, steamed prawn dumplings (Har Gau) – RM 10
Let me just put on record that I am ecstatic about the fact that there is now a decent restaurant in the KL Sentral area. My office is located quite close to KL Sentral, a popular destination when it rains and I am looking for a quick bite at a covered location. But as we all know, KL Sentral offers less than appealing fare, and thus Sooka Sentral has become a boon to me, ensuring that I shall never have to starve again. There are ample carparks here and it is located a little away from the main transportation hub, which means that I can zoom in and out within an hour.

Wu kok – RM6
Oriental Spoon serves dim sum as well as items from the ala carte menu. Do note that food served here is halal, so it is a great choice if you’re looking to spend some muhibah time together. My favourite item of dim sum must surely be the yam dumplings (wu kok) which fulfilled my criteria of a very light and crumbly exterior with a delicious mince filling that didn’t make me notice the absence of that animal-that-should-not-be-named.

Lotus root pastry
Another dim sum item that I thought was absolutely delicious was the lotus root shaped pastry that screamed of butter in a flaky shell with a minced chicken/lotus filling.

Radish cake – RM6
For radish cake with a difference, I recommend the radish cake with bonito flakes.

Steamed spinach buns
Henry the Hedgehog* wasn’t spared. The poor little critter, stuffed with a delicious black sesame filling, looked a sorry sight after the ordeal he had to endure. Well, he didn’t last long. His popularity was apparent, and his last sibling ended up in “Godma’s” handbag.
*name given by Fatboybakes

Steamed black pepper short ribs (Lamb) – RM 12
The lamb was very tender and despite a slight gaminess, it made for a good substitute for the animal-that-should-not-be-named.
Dim sum is served only until 5 pm.

Clockwise from top left: Stir fried lotus roots with celery and almond flakes – RM 15, salad prawns, lychee prawns (two combination prawns), stewed beef with white radish – RM 8, deep fried Garoupa fish with flavoured meat sauce (RM 8 per 100 g)
The ala carte menu carries a wide range of items and it is easy to be blown away by the presentation of the food.

Oriental three combination ( Bamboo fungus rolls, Black pepper sotong balls , Venison in birds nest)
The Oriental Three Combination dish deserves mention. The portions were served individually in a contemporary display; a chinese soup spoon held the bamboo fungus rolls while the delicious flaky birds nest housed the venison meat. This is a special order if you wish to try it.

Stir fried crab with salted egg yolk (RM 55 per kg)
Just like its sister restaurant (Bangsar Seafood at One Bangsar), Oriental Spoon also serves delicious crab dishes. The stir fried crabs came in a very thick salted egg yolk sauce that clung to the shells, just the way I like it.
Due to the lack of dinner traffic at Sooka Sentral, Oriental Spoon currently closes early (at about 8pm), but they’re apparently willing to stay open for you if you inform them earlier. They also do takeaways and deliveries (within the area – call to find out if you qualify) between 11.30am and 8.00pm.
Thank you, Ming Lee, for inviting us to sample the lovely food. And thanks, Jade, for organising this. Thanks also to Fatboybakes for ensuring that my social calendar isn’t so empty, but I’m sincerely and deeply grateful for the delicious pear upside down cake and wine which you so generously brought (this remark said with tears in eyes).
Good night everyone. I’m off for some Oriental Spooning with my hubby.
Oriental Spoon
1st floor, Sooka Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, 50470, KL
Tel: 03-2261 3222
Opening hours: (Mon – Sunday) 11.30 am – 8.00 pm
(Dim sum is served until 5 pm)
you love to torture me with people eating my namesake, is it?
So funny lah, that Henry the Hedgehog. So one got away in your handbag — only to be disembowelled and devoured by one Bald Eagle later?
Oooo… crabs with buttercream sauce is one of my all-time favs. Can eat six pieces of toast with the cream.
An awesome spread there…
I wonder if there’s a difference between an oriental spoon and the caucasian one…hmmm….
wondering the same thing too with hairyberry…so where do u go for some western spooning?
the spread sounds yummy enough. but no p*rk?!! wonder how can I survive a dim sum ordeal without them …. =)
haha, must they show such lusty expressions when biting into the green thingies?
Henry: No ler….I got 5 frens called Henry wan.
argus: No ler. Godma is Jade’s mother. I ate my share immediately. 🙂 Btw, that’s crab with salted egg yolk sauce. Very rich. Very sinful. We can try some when you visit. 🙂
HairyBerry: Why certainly there’s a difference. Would you like a demonstration?
lotsofcravings: After I show HairyBerry, maybe he can demonstrate to you, eh? (to you = with you)
J2Kfm: Actually, surprisingly, I didn’t miss the pork. The chicken was a good substitute. Yeah, those guys lust for food…that’s why they’re food bloggers. (One can only imagine what it’s like when they do an Oriental Spoon….hawt!)
I will never look at a spoon the same way again *mind wanders* Godma’s reading this you know. Hi Aunty! Hehehe…Feeling better?
the science of being social is to enjoy one of many immensely most of the time as is a little of many a bit sometimes
Maybe why lonely assam laksa beside the drain is still our fav dish !
Good gosh. That look on Nigel’s face. Why do I suddenly feel so… dirty? 😆
2 dudes biting the same thing … one is like “I’m going to tear you into pieces” and the other is like “I’m kissing you before I swallow you in baby”
Ohmigod… I have never seen such a delectable post. The Oriental Three Combination sounds and looks an absolute treat.
(My only regret is that it is 6,868 kilometres to KL Sentral)
PS: LL – how come no hairy chests in this post?
Unkaleong: I’m sure Godma’s more experienced than you and me with regard to spoons and such. 🙂
team bsg: I agree with you. When you calling me for assam laksa by the longkang ar?
Kenny Mah: Nigel was making love to the camera. You can feel it, cantcha?
Live2Talk: Easy to tell who’s more garang in bed, eh? 😛
Steve K: Come to Malaysia!! 🙂 The Visit Malaysia package can include the hairy chest at no extra cost too. 🙂
darn you Hunky!
Paps, please introduce the concept of Midnight movies to Hunky so that you don’t miss out on life. 😛
delectable post =)
nice one.
love the captions, love the pictureesss!
I swear you write better than those writing in The Star..! you are gonna have to bring me along.. the next time eh.. 🙂
stby for a first strike !
no thanks, hairy berry, but if he wishes to upload on youtube or “any 18sx”tube, let me know, i can learn to western spoon from there..
oh yum. The lotus root pastry looks so pretty.
Great photos!! And I love the little hedgehogs – too cute to eat.
Yes, I realise your crab sauce is different and yumsome, but it reminded me of my fav. (Kenny will find this… dirty.) Oh, yeah, let’s do go eat it when I’m in KL. *drool drool*
argus: Uhm, yeah. That just makes me feel even dirtier. But this time… in a good way. 😉
LL: Making love to the camera? Try… nevermind. I need a shower… 😆
wah, you writche better than the star reporters, dont pray pray…
there’s something sinister looking in eating those green colored worm buns!
Henry the Hedgehog!!
hopefully he has many more cousins…..
wait for me !!!
OMG…the food really looks so good. Stop my saliva…. great post!
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